Thursday, June 19, 2008

Inaugural Title

It is time to move onward and upward.
We get stuck, us people. All we have to refer to is either the past or what is going on right now. So we are either reactionary, or basing things upon what has happened before. In my experience, this is no way to live.
I want to get a tattoo. I have wanted one for a while now, but have never had the spare cash. I still don't, but every now and then the urge becomes stronger than it has before. Now is one of those times.
I want "Ne Obliviscaris" (Gaelic for "Never Forget"). I find it very relevant. Everything that happens in your life, everything you do or don't do, you cannot forget it. These events or non-events have huge impact on your life. That whole ripple theory. If we keep making the same choices and same mistakes, we will never move onward or upward. We (or I in this case) need a constant reminder.
Like when you get back with an ex girlfriend because you remember how good it was. But you forget the bad times and the reasons why you broke up in the first place. You get stuck with these bad choices because you forgot the original experience. That person who way back when was thinking "never again".... they had their reasons for thinking that. And you bet they were good reasons. But you don't pay heed to them, and fall into the same trap you were in months or years before.
Not onward.
Not upward.

It is similar with many facets of life, this was just one example that bit me in the ass a few months ago.

On a similar topic, what do you think are the signs that you are ready to get into a relationship, or start seeing people again after a breakup? By breakup, I mean ending something that has been pretty heavy and has affected you in various ways. Not some 2 week fling thing (though many of these may be equally as intense as a long-winded year long thing), but a relationship that you respect enough to give a period of time to let lie and get over.
I don't know, I often make the mistake of getting involved again. I'd be interested to know what people think about this. Are there signs? Is there a set time?
I'm kinda in this waiting-til-I'm-ready situation right now, and am wondering what to look out for etc. I don't want to jump back in too soon as I have previously done.

Well well, how bout I go away and muse some more. I might do some work, who knows. That'd probably be wise.

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